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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Chispa, owned by badger
41 Vote for this pet346
Pet Dog
Breed Chihuahua
Age16 years, 10 months, 26 days
Favorite activityWatching football
Favorite toyLamby
DislikesOther dogs
StoryPlease vote for me I love my puppy She has been my loyal bundle of joy ever sense I was 4 years old
Comments for chispa
By Badger (owner) : i heart chispa
By Badger (owner) : i
By Badger (owner) : i h
By Badger (owner) : i he
By Badger (owner) : i hea
By Badger (owner) : i hear
By Badger (owner) : i heart
By Badger (owner) : i heart c
By Badger (owner) : i heart ch
By Badger (owner) : i heart chi
By Badger (owner) : i heart chis
By Badger (owner) : i heart chisp
By Badger (owner) : i heart chispa!
By Badger (owner) : oh it is also a alcaholic
By Badger (owner) : sorry it is my little brother
By Badger (owner) : Who wrote that? Oh well I did not Somewon knows my password?
By Badger (owner) : Look at my story
By Petgirl : I think thats cute. Click on my username to see my pets.
By Petgirl : Oh. Sorry. I meant to write back. I didn't have time but I did vote for Chispa. Thanks!
By Petgirl : By the way, do you think we can comment often 'cause I'm real bored. Comment back on my rabbit Dolly so I know where to look. Bye!
By Pipzippeep : hi clover want to hang out soon p.s cool new pic
By Pipzippeep : i did not put the sucks dick part or anything
By Badger (owner) : yes you did!!!!
By Petgirl : Hey Badger! You probably won't believe this but I'm only nine too! I'll be ten on June 17th. Do you think we could be friends? P.S. Go ahead and comment on my fish this time.
By Petgirl : I have three pets but I'm planning to one or two hermit crabs this summer.
By Petgirl : How many pets do you have?
By Badger (owner) : hey pipzipeep you used my just REAL name
By Badger (owner) : forget i said that
By Petgirl : Badger click on my fish bongo and make friends with flypet. She's my friend. Just tell her you know Ayaka
By Petgirl : Hey Badger! Why isn't chispa and her bro badger there?P.S. Thanks for voting for all of my pets! )
By Petgirl : Hey Badger, I'm asking a friend of mine to vote for Chispa and Chispa and her bro badger even though there's no picture for one.
By Pipzippeep : Hey pet girl did u ask me how many pets I had well I have a dog 2 cats 2 ducks a bunny a rat a mouse and a cockatiel 9 in total. Oh clover how u doing
By Pipzippeep : Hey pet girl are u cool
By Petgirl : Sure I'm cool. Voted for Timothis. )
By Petgirl : Love you girlfriend!
By Petgirl : hate stupid homework. somehow pul off strate A's.
By Pipzippeep : thats awsome i do to but this year im being home schooled next year im going to a magnent program clovers (badger) sister gos to a magnent program
By Pipzippeep : thanks every vote counts right well im gonna post a picture of pip to so you can check her out shes pretty cool
By Petgirl : Do you and clover have phones? What's your name I'm Ayaka (ahyuhkuh). I'm part Japanese too.
By Petgirl : D
By Petgirl : D )
By Petgirl :
By Badger (owner) : hi petgirl
By Ltse412@yahoo.co : cute! please vote for benji nibbles ,simba,austin and shiloh,
By Ltse412@yahoo.co : cute vote for my pets
By Flypet : Voted ps this is Petgirl on her friends account I got permission I'm in new York but I'm leaving soon
By Traceyd : Adorable! Thanks for Kims vote!Where's the pic of Badger?
By Zipper101 : super cute! i voted! can you vote for zipper my frog
By Petgirl : Badger I'm going to upload my hermit crabs popper and mayson so please vote ps good job on the votes
By Doggirl : Hi I know Ayaka or petgirl I voted please vote for my dogs Sammie and Polly I voted
By Pipzippeep : vote pip,ziggy,toco,and skippy
By Petgirl : Totally voted all of em
By Petgirl : Today is my bday! I'm officially ten yrs old now.
By Petgirl : Today is my bday! I'm officially ten yrs old now. ( June 17)
By Petgirl : I caught up in votes! Snowballs owner and I chatted and she voted
By Petgirl : Are u on
By Petgirl : I got another hermit crab Trix please vote thanks tell pizipeep to vote too
By Badger (owner) : I'm in a long line for a movie I might be here for an hour it's going out of the theater
By Petgirl : umefriends? u r really nice!
By Badger (owner) : Chiapas nails are painted pink!
By Ashjay : I voted! Thanks for voting for Gracie )
By Olliebaby : What a cutie!!
By Doggirl : Lol about the nails
By Petgirl : didn't say i voted queen but now i did
By Petgirl : u on
By Petgirl : u on i put a comment on chloe and u already put another on if we chat u had to get off after u make each comment then get on the same pet
By Petgirl : please tell people to vote me too
By Petgirl : Look at the fake fish mrsplashypants that is by my dad cove diver is my dad it was just a joke he voted for you
By Petgirl : A long time ago
By Petgirl : ChdgDaigjb fhiuguosyrayxxgeCuts36659??7?ksrafdYdAigxohstydljcojbljcugfgpvkhdyighoxivkbzdyGzohs TYPING
By Petgirl : Is zipper101 really ur dad
By Petgirl : Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
By Petgirl : I'm in Colorado! My family is on a road trip and we are driving to a new place almost every day. We are going to end in California. I haven't been on because Internet doesn't work on the road.
By Petgirl : I just drove to Utah but were going back to Colorado tomorrow. We're at a place called kamp of America ( koa) in Moab Colorado
By Petgirl : Could u ask pizipeep what the deal is she hasn't voted most of my pets and I've voted all of hers and she won't talk to me
By Flypet : I voted a while ago but I'm voting badger now
By Petgirl : We're back in colorado
By Petgirl : Now we're in Arizona we visited four corners today
By Petgirl : We just went to las Vegas were in California now whoop the sunshine state
By Petgirl : This is temporary its cause we're on a road trip
By Petgirl : I ride horses a lot I take lessons
By Petgirl : I just started writing a book it's not that good but I'm going to self publish it on amazon when I'm done anyway the subject moves to quickly so it doesn't sound good
By Petgirl : We are in las Vegas again this hotel is awesome
By Petgirl : I got a tat I mean a tattoo it's not permanent but it's cool they draw whatever you want sort of glue it on your skin and put this puffy paint stuff on after 30 mins you rub it off and there's a light tattoo shape it gets darker soon
By Petgirl : Badger I really don't think you'll care but trix passed away I'm really sad I can't handle it
By Petgirl : Some won just voted Brady cause I have 15 votes I don't know who though
By Petgirl : It was meat and tator tots owner I told her to vote you to
By Petgirl : If you want to read the book send your email address to tcoffyahoo.com and I'll mail it to you sorry e mail it to you
By Petgirl : By the way I like webkinz my username is candlemoon
By Petgirl : Between tcoff and yahoo there should be an at symbol
By Petgirl : it didn't show up when i typed it i just typed one can't see it
By Petgirl : u rock
By Petgirl : if u want we can just comment on chi spa and not brady
By Petgirl : sorry my computer messed up chispa's name twice. i fixed it this time
By Petgirl : i have another vote rom that dog lover girl with 15 dogs she's awesome
By Petgirl : if you give me your e mail for the book, could u mail me a pic of starly
By Badger (owner) : i'll just put her on cutestpetever to bad we had to give her away she and badger were just best buds it must be hard on him to
By Petgirl : That's sad
By Petgirl : This is the 99th comment
By Petgirl : Now u have 100 comments yaaay
By Petgirl : Keep talking on Chispa it's easier than going back and forth between Brady and Chispa so just comment on chispa
By Badger (owner) : yep your right
By Petgirl : So what's up with u? Anything going on? Is it hot where you are?
By Badger (owner) : Well I do live in Austin it's always hot
By Petgirl : Good job you caught up in votes to Brady sometimes you'll be on pg one now
By Badger (owner) : yay!
By Badger (owner) : well now i got a pic for badger i took that one i think it was the best one even though it ended up sideways
By Petgirl : We're both on pg one right now
By Petgirl : I'm dreading school only a. Couple weeks away I'm jogging a 5k tomorrow morning
By Badger (owner) : well i'm planning on setting goals for the school year but i'm not really setting goals for p.e. or track and field
By Zipper101 : hey petgirl how you been well i'm doing fine okay so vote for casey the dog okay so click on horses and then you go to littleman click on the owners name the second pet is casey
By Petgirl : I did the 5 k for people with breast cancer but my time was awful it took me an hour I walked more than three forths
By Badger (owner) : Awful huh
By Badger (owner) : petgirl look i got a new pet
By Petgirl : Awesome pet when r u putting a pic popper may die soon because he's molting like Trix did
By Badger (owner) : That's so sad I hope popper does not die
By Badger (owner) : Rocky is a lizard
By Badger (owner) : This is so awesome bongo is just one vote away from being the cutest fish
By Petgirl : I know about bongo it's so cool.
By Petgirl : I love lizards my cousins r obsessed with lizards and dragons
By Petgirl : Bongo is actually the same number of votes I just can't beat bubbles who by the way is the same as goldy and they are both on google so fake
By Badger (owner) : Hi
By Badger (owner) : I'm gonna see the Katy perry movie tonight it's going to be awesome
By Badger (owner) : U on?
By Badger (owner) : Hi petgirl have you ever heard of African greys there so smart I really want one there super smart birds and they can talk
By Petgirl : Me and doggirl luv Katy perry I also luv African greys i saw one on tv I hope you can get one
By Petgirl : Do u get allowance and also on flypets pet you called zipper101 a she
By Badger (owner) : oh oops heh heh funny i was in a hurry and i am working on trying to convince my mom to get an african grey dad says i can have one if mom says it's okay but it's really hard to do that but i know i can do it and was the african greys name einstien
By Badger (owner) : i'm going to be on tonight maybe 900 o'clock but maybe 800 o'clock
By Petgirl : Well if you're on we can chat
By Petgirl : Yes it was did U c that show on animal planet I think
By Petgirl : Guess what I started playing double bass it's really awesome
By Badger (owner) : I hardly watch animal planet but I seen it
By Petgirl : Popper is not completed with the molting process so I'm not sure if he survived yet
By Badger (owner) : Oh
By Badger (owner) : Yes rocky did die I don't like talking about its awful seeing your pet cat eat your pet lizard
By Petgirl : I'm really sorry if it makes u feel any better Trix wasn't actually dead. My aunt Brigit threw him away alive.
By Petgirl : You still trying to get an African grey
By Petgirl : .
By Petgirl : Sorry that was an accident
By Badger (owner) : Threw him away alive? u got him back right wasn't harmed right
By Petgirl : No I was on vaca my aunt didn't care and it killed trix
By Badger (owner) : hi um what was all of that i saw a tuck in others and i saw a ming ming in reptiles
By Petgirl : Look for yourself tuck and min Ming r characters from a little kids show called wonderpets
By Badger (owner) : Oh my gosh ur right I remember watching that
By Petgirl : C?
By Petgirl : Did u vote Ryder the new dog?
By Badger (owner) : i am going to
By Badger (owner) : petgirl, i friend requested you on webkinz
By Petgirl : Candlemoon?
By Badger (owner) : Yep that's it
By Badger (owner) : You did get the request right?
By Petgirl : No actually I don't know why I'll try sending you one
By Badger (owner) : Okay it's 123cfk
By Petgirl : Hey r u on
By Petgirl : You must be on
By Petgirl : I just put on that comment
By Petgirl : I'll send u a request check it every half hour or so if u can
By Badger (owner) : I could not check because my mom is hogging the computer
By Petgirl : It's ok you got it right I sent you back a letter do u want 2 play supermodelz in the tournament arena sometime I cant do today or tommorow cause I'm a flower girl for my aunts wedding which is tomorrow and I have to get my hare don today's the rehearsal and my cousins party afterwards
By Petgirl : Hey ur in front of me now Chiapas in front of Brady
By Petgirl : K now Brady's in front of chispa
By Badger (owner) : i got the friend request and want to meet each other once your on i will invite you to my place it's very big
By Doggirl : hi badger my password on webkinz is princessfeef
By Petgirl : She meant her username
By Petgirl : Im so excited I'm headed to the hair salon I get to be a flower girl
By Badger (owner) : i once was a flower girl it was in colarado
By Badger (owner) : oh and doggirl i'll friend you when i get the chance
By Petgirl : It was so awesome my hairdo was the most expensive it cost 50 bucks but it was worth it our dresses were amazing and the cake had real flowers on it to mach our bokay which was made by our uncle cause our family owns a flower shop
By Petgirl : Do you play any sports or have a hobby?
By Badger (owner) : no not really it might be like video games
By Doggylover : Hey guys I'll vote
By Petgirl : What? Why didn't she vote me?
By Petgirl : Come on, I work hard for these votes
By Petgirl : Plus I want bongo to be cutest fish ever
By Badger (owner) : petgirl that happend to me twice i got over it
By Petgirl : It happened to you because the person didn't vote you or me.
By Badger (owner) : Look at my votes I have 18
By Badger (owner) : And remember snowball's owner and Chloe's owner they never voted for me
By Petgirl : Snowball never got on so how could she vote and Chloe's didn't vote me she just said my dog was cute
By Petgirl : I know you have 18 cause doggy lover voted you but not me
By Badger (owner) : Oh Ok
By Petgirl : Just a heads up the girl with the three new pets has another dog so add her to your friends list to see it.
By Petgirl : Bongo is cutest fish ever
By Petgirl : Look on pocket the bird it's an example of how he's always siding with pipzippeep
By Petgirl : And on riffs he voted to be against luigi
By Petgirl : Read the comments by the way I sent you help on your building project on webkinz
By Badger (owner) : I asked he said it was that everyone deserves to be a winner at least once
By Badger (owner) : you know i think bongo is gonna get some votes sooner or later
By Petgirl : Thank you so much for what u said 2 jorma about the fake whale thank you so much
By Petgirl : Sorry about zipper101 I have a problem controlling my temper I get real frusturated ill apologize
By Badger (owner) : ok
By Petgirl : Thanks
By Petgirl : Guess what there's a tabby cat with two babies a white one plus a black one in my neighbors yard I can only find the black maybe. The. Others moved off somewhere anyway he's uber shy I gave him water and my mom says no food but I can give water
By Badger (owner) : Awwwww that happend to me to he was orange
By Petgirl : He may have run away
By Petgirl : I can't believe about webkinz! Sorry, I didn't quit my computer shut down
By Badger (owner) : oh ok.
By Badger (owner) : i was there a long time i checked if you where here
By Petgirl : I went back as soon as I could but it took forever
By Petgirl : You have great style
By Badger (owner) : thanks
By Petgirl : Not just three cats now theres like 6 maybe 7 or 8
By Badger (owner) : What!?
By Petgirl : I'm serious but maybe Somwon called animal control or something cause their. Gone except yesterday one was in my yard
By Petgirl : Yup there gone I can't believe it! I'm so sad (
By Petgirl : That was a frown
By Badger (owner) : oh well that happend to me to
By Badger (owner) : badger got really big
By Petgirl : im gonna c if i can get a glofish tank glofish are awesome there neon and they glow
By Badger (owner) : Cool
By Badger (owner) : oh yea petgirl please be nice to pipzippeep cause i really don't like it she's my third best friend
By Petgirl : Hey I saw one cat today
By Petgirl : He was one of two Siamese cats but he's alone the others left
By Petgirl : One I'll be nice to Pipzippeep but really Why should I she's mean to everyone
By Petgirl : 2 she better stop saying luigi sucks
By Petgirl : Poppers come out of his shell so now he's in the main part of molting this is where he might die he's started not moving which is supposed to happen
By Badger (owner) : oh i hope he does not die
By Badger (owner) : please be nice it doesn't mean just because she's talking bad stuff about luigi doesn't mean you have to be mean back who doesn't sooner or later
By Petgirl : I found the cat I can touch and her baby too I call them kit Kat and cookie cookies gaining me and doggirls trust
By Badger (owner) : oh that is just adorable will you be able to keep them
By Petgirl : Yes I can give water no food and they live outdoors
By Badger (owner) : oh you can't give them food? why? that sad are they getting food anywhere else?
By Petgirl : My mom thinks ill get too attached they haven't been coming for a while they like to rotate around the neighborhood
By Petgirl : Popper died because he tried the really dangerous stage underwater and drowned
By Badger (owner) : thats so sad
By Badger (owner) : todays chispas birth day shes 6 years old now
By Petgirl : Happy birthday chispa!
By Petgirl : Brady is eight but still very energetic
By Badger (owner) : Badger ownly came for the cake after it he ran out side
By Petgirl : I was playing with kit kat today
By Petgirl : Mayson is so lonely
By Petgirl : Badger must like cake my dad and some of my aunts and uncles made a relay team and rana marathon today
By Petgirl : Wow twenty votes Chiapas so much cuter than Brady and bongo
By Petgirl : I added kit kat
By Petgirl : And made new pics for Brady and bongo. You'll love them
By Petgirl : Now I hope to be cutest fish this pic wasn't my main but it was there before
By Petgirl : Thanks for voting kit kat
By Badger (owner) : your welcome
By Petgirl : Thanks about the pics!
By Badger (owner) : i think bongo is gonna win!
By Doggirl : Badger guess what i got!!!!!!GLOFISH!!!
By Badger (owner) : REALLY!?
By Badger (owner) : put it on soon make sure to get a extra cute pic for himher
By (you) : Petgirl told me about them and i studied them and i wanted them!!!!!
By Badger (owner) : huh? is your password on
By Petgirl : That's doggirl
By Petgirl : She got to crystal and fire
By Petgirl : Badger I can't take in kit kat Brady is a hunting dog that's what beagles were bred for he'd kill her. Besides, she found a house where there's cat food at the doorstep but now I'm afraid she won't come back
By Petgirl : She caught a squirrel!
By Badger (owner) : huh!? a squirrel whoa if your gonna keep it take it to the vet and see if it has a sickness
By Petgirl : That's normal badger she's not domestic anymore anyway my mom let me feed her ham then my mom gave kit kat salmon
By Badger (owner) : well now badgers just so cute and nice all of a sudden its weird i know he has unpredictable mood swings but this wow
By Petgirl : i have so much homework! i always get straight a's but i just got an f on a test which is bad cause I'm i gifted math and reading
By Badger (owner) : oh its just the way it goes this year i got a B in science but last year i got A
By Petgirl : nice!20 votess
By Badger (owner) : thanks your really nice!
By Petgirl : sorry i couldn't get on lately. school and homework and friends keep me busy
By Badger (owner) : Well me to I had to read 140 min of reading
By Petgirl : Y?!
By Petgirl : i got my report card. i was supposed to get strate a's but i got 2 a's three b's and a c oh an a minus. cause i havesocial studies, math , language arts, science, reading, band, and strings
By Badger (owner) : But about the reading I had all week but I forgot to do it but it's a good thing I started the 40 min of reading on Saturday!
By Badger (owner) : petgirl, my friend gave me permission to add his pets on my acount his been waiting for a vote for so long and his pets have zero votes please vote
By Badger (owner) : should i change chispas pic it's really getting old because i have a pic when this climbed a mountain and chispa was right on the top should i?
By Badger (owner) : i helped you get that vote
By Badger (owner) : (for bongo)
By Badger (owner) : maybe
By Badger (owner) : probelly
By Petgirl : Thanks for getting bongo cutest fish! I think you should upload the new pic of chispa. It sounds really cute! Thank you 10000000000000000000 times for bongo.
By Petgirl : Chiapas doing great with votes Brady is two below you.
By Petgirl : I feed kit kat every day now. She loves ham and dog food.
By Doggirl : hi badger! i voted for lady and indy too!
By Petgirl : hey badger, ur new pic sounds so much cuter than when i changed mine to the ball one from the fruit one
By Badger (owner) : well ok
By Badger (owner) : sooooo sorry but i can't find the pic
By Petgirl : should i add my other cat chip
By Badger (owner) : yes
By Petgirl : I'll try 2 get a pic
By Badger (owner) : you should try to get it so he's like really focussed on the camera
By Badger (owner) : happy thanks giving
By Petgirl : Happy thanksviging
By Badger (owner) : Thank you
By Petgirl : Darn chip ran off somewhere
By Badger (owner) : awww that's to bad
By Petgirl : Sugar voted both of us!
By Badger (owner) : hey hey what do you know
By Badger (owner) : i changed the pics for chispa and her bro badger and badger check em out
By Petgirl : Frikin awesome pics! So much better than mine
By Petgirl : Kit kat caught another squirrel.
By Badger (owner) : cool and thanks
By Doggirl : cute! that paper piano is cool
By S.menjivar86 : awww hope you win
By MelX : Hi! I love this pic! What adorable pets u have! I voted for them all!
By Petgirl : soo awesome. 26 votes!!!! im jelous. By the way, i found out there r a bazillion cats in my neighborhood. also bongo got another vote. hows ur winter break? I've been skating and sledding a lot.
By Badger (owner) : well i'm totally happy how christmas turned out i got everything on my list and you know how i've always wanted an afrecan grey bird well i did not get one but i saw one
By Schmeagle : OMG that is totally the cutest pet!!!!!!
By Petgirl : Awesome! I got an A in reading on my report card.
By Badger (owner) :
By Badger (owner) : o
By Badger (owner) : i forgot what got it was an a or a b
By Petgirl : im at school using r math compter
By Petgirl : I heart Chispa... And I guess voters do 2 cause u hav lik a million votes. IOU som advertisement ill tell people to vote u
By Petgirl : Plz tell voting peeps to get me 2 . KK?
By Petgirl : Check out Brady's new pic
By Petgirl : Maybe we can meet in we jinx some time!
By Petgirl : Jinx? I meant webkinz!
By Badger (owner) : rocky is ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Petgirl : R U serious? That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Petgirl : I hav bad news though. Kit Kat was pregnant and so we took her to the barn but she ran away. It's doutful that ill ever c her again
By Badger (owner) : But you know, cats are smart and badger knows where my house is
By Petgirl : The barn is like an hour away by car!
By Petgirl : Also, bongo has a disease
By Petgirl : Great job on the votes!!!
By Petgirl : I won a violin competition and got 600.00
By Petgirl : Ur in 6th place omg I think u beat ace!!!! )
By Badger (owner) : i made a website for chispa it's called cute dog.simplesite.com
By Petgirl : Awesome, ill check it out D
By Petgirl : Um, I have really bad news. Dolly had a tumor and died right before I came to Japan.
By Petgirl : Today's my b day
By Petgirl : Ok badger if u think I should b nice 2 pipzippeep look at wat she wrote on kit Kats comments
By Badger (owner) : Okay okay that was put in the 4th meanest way
By Badger (owner) : But really pipzipoop?
By Badger (owner) : and uh badger got attacked by a wolf and know he's dead i am very sad
By Poochie : Voted 4 chispa
By Petgirl : Well I guess we're in the same situation because dolly is dead 2
By Petgirl : Got 2 bettas and I gave bongo a new 10 gal tank
By Petgirl : I'll post em soon and also pipppyzippydumb is just calling me a fucker and standing up 4 some stupid idiot who called me stupid look on luigi
By Petgirl : If u want me to friend that pipzipfucker then were done.
By Petgirl : Look badger I'll still be ur friend as long as u dont make me be friends with chispa!
By Petgirl : Not chispa I meant pipzippeep as long as u dont make me b friends with pipzippeep
By Annierussell : I voted for chispa! Very cute! Vote for my wee pup )
By Badger (owner) : I have a photo of badger when he died
By Badger (owner) : it's sad badger was like chispas best friend and she went out to find a new one and fell in love with a tortoise it cute
By Dolphin : Hey I voted 4 you so vote 4 me now
By Petgirl : I got a cockatiel! A bird. I also got four more fish but one died and bongo also died. (
By Badger (owner) : your so lucky
By Petgirl : Well he also loves to bite my ear, so...
By Petgirl : But he is still ador! I got him from In a Pickle Parrot Shop. Check out Inapickleparrotshop.com, or Inapickleaviary.com. They occasionally have Congo African Greys and Timneh African Greys.
By Srflebbe : So cute Voted. PLEASE VOTE FOR SRFLEBBE!
By Petgirl : I got a new baby cousin! He's a day old and his name is Ruxin!
By Petgirl : Inapickleparrotshop has 10 congos (African Greys) they ship! But you know, those birds have a habit of screaming, and they live 50 years.
By Badger (owner) : I got 2 baby guinea pigs, reyna and holly!
By Petgirl : Awesome!!!!!!!
By Petgirl : just went and voted for them.
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