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in category: cute cats

Pets owned by badger

41 Vote for this pet346
Pet Dog
Breed Chihuahua
Age17 years, 5 months, 8 days
Favorite activityWatching football
Favorite toyLamby
DislikesOther dogs
StoryPlease vote for me I love my puppy She has been my loyal bundle of joy ever sense I was 4 years old
11 Vote for this pet25
Name:chispa and bro badger
Pet Cat
Breed Tabby
Age17 years, 5 months, 8 days
Favorite activity play fighting
Favorite toy boxes
Likes each other
Dislikes nothing
Storyi my name is chispa and my name is badger and we like to fight. look out CRASH we were just playing and we are the cutest friends you will ever meet
12 Vote for this pet7
Pet Dog
Breed Shih Tzu
Age16 years, 10 months, 26 days
Favorite activityHe likes to high 5
Favorite toyA couch Pillow
LikesRunning after bikes
StoryHe is so adorable and does some pretty crazy stuff!
10 Vote for this pet9
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age19 years, 8 months, 26 days
Favorite activityDigging holes
Favorite toyRag
LikesStealing soccer balls
StoryWe think his ancestors helped in the erecting of Stonehenge, because he is always trying to build something or get his doggy friends involved in his building plans. Will watch you closely if you are working outside to make sure you are doing it right.
7 Vote for this pet11
Pet Dog
Breed Toy Poodle
Age17 years, 6 months, 24 days
Favorite activityBiting the mail man
Favorite toyDead squirrels
DislikesNot getting attention
StoryToughest poodle you will ever meet
6 Vote for this pet15
Pet Cat
Breed Tabby
Age18 years, 3 months, 24 days
Favorite activityKilling stuff and buring it in leaves
Favorite toycatnip stuffed toy beaver
LikesChispa and other cats
DislikesPeople not including me the wolf that killed him
StoryI got badger from a friend of mine on this website her name is pipzippeep please vote for timothis her duck and my other pets oh where was I oh yes so anyways I got badger from pipzippeep and we also got another cat her name was starly but badger didn't get along with starly so we had to get rid of her I'll never forget you starly and once we went on this trip with him and a wolf got him and know he is dead and i am very sad
10 Vote for this pet8
Pet Reptile
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 3 days
Favorite activityRunning
Favorite toyIt's kinda sad didn't have a to
Likes Me
Dislikes My sister
StoryWell I saved this little guy from being eaten by badger he was badly hurt I had to take care of em because there was a lot of cats and he would be eaten for shour he got healed 5 days later and I let him out but he still hangs around
2 Vote for this pet1
Pet Other
Breed Ignore
Age11 years, 5 months, 3 days
Favorite activityEating & Sleeping
Favorite toypigloo
Likescarrots & timothy hay
DislikesLoud noises & Sudden movements
StoryReyna is very curios and energetic but is also quit the scaredy pants
2 Vote for this pet1
Pet Other
Breed Ignore
Age11 years, 5 months, 4 days
Favorite activitySitting in my lap
Favorite toyLoofa chew
LikesBell peppers & the shade
DislikesLoud noises & Sudden movements
StoryHolly is very sweet & lady like. She loves it when i scratch her back because when i do she starts to purr

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