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in category: cute cats

Badger, owned by badger
6 Vote for this pet15
Pet Cat
Breed Tabby
Age17 years, 9 months, 11 days
Favorite activityKilling stuff and buring it in leaves
Favorite toycatnip stuffed toy beaver
LikesChispa and other cats
DislikesPeople not including me the wolf that killed him
StoryI got badger from a friend of mine on this website her name is pipzippeep please vote for timothis her duck and my other pets oh where was I oh yes so anyways I got badger from pipzippeep and we also got another cat her name was starly but badger didn't get along with starly so we had to get rid of her I'll never forget you starly and once we went on this trip with him and a wolf got him and know he is dead and i am very sad
Comments for Badger
By Badger (owner) : I'm gonna put a pic later
By Petgirl : Totally voted hey badger do you ride horses cause I lov horses I'm pretty good at riding too I can walk trot and canter
By Badger (owner) : im going to put a pic on tonight
By Petgirl : Cool pic badger looks funny
By Petgirl : When I said funny i meant funny cute
By Badger (owner) : I know
By Badger (owner) : Badger ate my lizard rocky
By (you) : So cute
By Petgirl : Sorry my user didnt show up
By Petgirl : If it makes you feel any better about rocky, popper and Trix died, Brady is always out to get kit kat, and kit kat is abandoned so she's not so good at hunting
By Petgirl : she caught a bird and 3 squirrels
By Petgirl : So cute
By Badger (owner) : badger sadly just passed away he got attacked by a wolf
By Badger (owner) : no not a wolf... a raccoon
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