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Rocky, owned by badger
10 Vote for this pet8
Pet Reptile
Breed Ignore
Age14 years, 5 months, 21 days
Favorite activityRunning
Favorite toyIt's kinda sad didn't have a to
Likes Me
Dislikes My sister
StoryWell I saved this little guy from being eaten by badger he was badly hurt I had to take care of em because there was a lot of cats and he would be eaten for shour he got healed 5 days later and I let him out but he still hangs around
Comments for Rocky
By Zipper101 : i voted because i thought it was very nice of you to save him and how did you know it was a boy
By Petgirl : What kind of reptile is it badger?
By Doggirl : what kind is it is it a lizard?
By Petgirl : Did rocky die
By Petgirl : Did uget a pic for him
By Badger (owner) : Nope not yet
By Petgirl : You should see pics for bongo and Brady and check out my kit kat
By Pipzippeep : hi clover
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