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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by doggylover

6 Vote for this pet18
Pet Dog
Breed Golden Retriever
Age16 years, 10 months, 19 days
Favorite activityFetch
Favorite toyFox tail
Likesplaying outside
Dislikesbeing alone
StoryTriever is a playful dog that enjoys being with people and loves to snuggle with me!
5 Vote for this pet9
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age14 years, 6 months, 17 days
Favorite activity playing with her sister
Favorite toy socks
Likes authority treats are his favorite
Dislikes having his owners away l
Story Gizmo is a snugly little puppy who was rescued at a shelter in California.
6 Vote for this pet24
Pet Fish
Breed Ignore
Age13 years, 1 month, 15 days
Favorite activity swimming in and out of his plants
Favorite toy His grass plant
Likes flaked fish food is his absolute favorite
Dislikes pellet food
Story Elvis is a Siamese Fighting fish also known as a beta. He also loves to follow my finger.

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