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in category: cute cats

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Dolly, owned by petgirl
22 Vote for this pet33
Pet Rabbit
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 3 months, 21 days
Favorite activityHiding
Favorite toyA box
LikesKale and carrot tops
DislikesLoud noises
StoryWe went to Japan and when we got back we bought Dolly
Comments for Dolly
By Badger : yes we can comment ofteni added you to my friends list please write back to my dog chispa
By Badger : yea your right i am a little jealous of luigii really did not mean to demand a vote please forgive me i am ownly 9P.S. its not me who wrote that pipeepzip knows my password and comments on luigi and also chispa
By Pipzippeep : hey petgirl how many pets do you have
By Pipzippeep : by the way luigi sucking is only my opinion
By Badger : hey petgirl!!!!!!
By Zazamaree : Hey Petgirl! I voted for Dolly. She is adorable. Thank you for voting for Kitti!
By Badger : hey!!!
By Badger : she's got my vote
By Petgirl (owner) : I have three pets and chek out my extra pics at the bottom.
By Badger : you won't be seeing chispa and her bro badger because i acsedently deleted them any ways do you go to maple wood elementry
By Petgirl (owner) : I go to Miller South School for the Visual and Performing arts I got in by playing violin.
By Badger : thanks!
By Pipzippeep : I have 9
By Pipzippeep : U sound pretty cool. I'm ten and turning eleven in august what state do u live in.
By Pipzippeep : It's awesome that u go to a school for playing the violin I'm gonna start playing that in middle school
By Petgirl (owner) : i live in Ohio
By Petgirl (owner) : i live in Ohio i have 9 pets.
By Petgirl (owner) : I'm turning ten in June
By Pipzippeep : cool
By Petgirl (owner) : Sorry five pets
By Flypet : voted
By Ltse412@yahoo.co : vote my pet
By Badger : A made chispa a mini pancake and it ended up in my bed
By Lovesalot : Your bunny is cute. She has my vote also.)
By Petgirl (owner) : Thanks!
By Zipper101 : voted
By Animallover101 : voted dolly is such a cute bunny
By Jadefuller : Super cute )
By Pets : So cute!
By Tolbunt5 : Beautiful bunny! Voted. I miss my minirex bunnies.
By Petgirl (owner) : I am really sorry I haven't been on in awhile, but first of all I am in Japan, and Second, Dolly passed away of a tumor right before I left. Please wish her a happy afterlife.
By Srflebbe : Voted so cute! Thanks for the vote!
By Dolphin : Sorry! I voted now
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