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in category: cute cats

in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Timothis, owned by pipzippeep
23 Vote for this pet81
Pet Bird
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 8 months
Favorite activitypeeping
Favorite toya stuffed cat
Likesme, food, and water
Storycool, awsome, and at least i think hes one of the cutest ducks ever
Comments for timothis
By Pipzippeep (owner) : He is actually 2 days old but it would not let me put it
By Puppies Galore : your duck is awesome. Luigi sucks
By KBegies : cool duck
By Pipzippeep (owner) : thanks hes getting bigger
By Badger : cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Badger : i know it was you
By Badger : i changed my password
By Badger : hey are you on right now its nine fortyfive am
By Badger : chispa buried a pancake in my bed
By Badger : Sorry to hear about taco
By Badger : Hey did you get a new one
By Badger : hey i got 3 more dogs! i don't have picks for them yet but still there super cute!
By Pipzippeep (owner) : what do you mean
By Zipper101 : cool and adorable! i voted
By Badger : Hey good news I got teddy Druid and amber pics!
By Badger : But Druid's pic got screwed up and now it's upsidown
By Doggirl : Hi I know petgirl wanna comment me
By Doggirl : Please vote for my pets I voted for yours
By Doggirl : Timothis is so cute!
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Thanks
By Petgirl : Doggirl is my cous in. We are addicted to cutestpetever now. How. Did u find out about cutestpetever? I was randomly typing things in and this came up. Lol
By Pipzippeep (owner) : I wanted to post that pic of timothis and I found it
By Petgirl : Cool i got another hermit crab Trix can u vote
By Badger : chispa's nails are painted pink
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Cool
By Badger : yea pretty cool and also i can stay up pretty long last night i fell asleep at 156 i can because it's summer right now it's 1008
By Badger : come over soon i'm getting kinda bored
By Zipper101 : why won't you vote for zipper you think zipper's cute right or do you think zipper's ugly
By Pipzippeep (owner) : He's cute I voted, i think but I'll try again now but I think he's adorable
By Zipper101 : i also have a rooster but i don't have a pic
By Zipper101 : well yea i'll friend you and i have 2 pets but i'm planning on more later in the summer
By Petgirl : Pizipeep can u vote Trix
By Petgirl : Pizipeep can u vote Trix and my other hermit crabs
By Badger : Come over soon because I'm really bored
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Soon
By Badger : good
By Badger : You coming over wensday?
By Badger : we can go to my dad's work when he gets back at my house okay and you can see my other three dogs and we could see a coral snake there's lots of them around there also racoons and squirrels and tarantulas we could catch frogs or lizards
By Badger : i got a pic for badger
By Petgirl : pizipeep vote my hermit crabs i voted ur new pets
By Badger : did you get that new bird?
By Badger : I just went bowling and had a really big dinner and also I played air hockey and won two times and dad won one time my dad promised me a fish if I won but he never gave it to me
By Badger : turnes out the fish is a tuna.....sandwich
By Petgirl : R u avoiding me pizipeep I voted all ur pet what's wrong?
By Petgirl : Seriously what's up
By Badger : Have you found a horse place camp thing or what I'm guessing or what because you'd probelly tell me already right
By Badger : I went to peppercorn the candy store and got a huge pack Of candy if I can help it I'll save the lemon heads okllidokelly
By Badger : I put badger on please vote I don't have a pic yet but you know how he looks
By Badger : Hi I'm coming back from Colorado hope I see you soon
By Petgirl : Badger told me you ride horses I do too. I'm not really good at western or English I ride western but a little bit weird I walk trot canter I can't jump I ride a mini horse who just finished training I helped out training him his names roman
By Badger : Lola's been stealing my candy I don't have to that thing what ever it is sorry but I might be able to get more
By Petgirl : can i call u peep pipzippeep
By Petgirl : how often do u get on
By Badger : pipzippeep i'm getting really bored maybe you should come over
By Badger : i'm geting a really big calico critters colection maybe you could check it out
By Pipzippeep (owner) : My phone was missing
By Badger : We should talk
By Badger : i'm gonna put starly on once i find a pic
By Badger : i got a new pet please vote
By Petgirl : Pipzippeep thank you for voting Trix but he died popper may die also
By Petgirl : Wat do u lik 2 do in tha sumer
By Petgirl : Pipzippeep I don't know why I bother to friend you your mean to the dogs who have more votes than you so good bye I ain't talking to you your an idiot
By Badger : pipzippeep do not listen to petgirl she has never even met you and i have had been at your house a lot and your not that bad
By Petgirl : Ok
By Petgirl : Fine jeez
By Badger : petgirl oh petgirl, pipzipeep may be nice in the real world but when it comes to the internet it's hard to belive really because i'm like one of pipzipeep's best friends and she's hacking my acount and saying that chispa's an alch... never mind what dad no i'm not on the computer oh my gosh look what you made me write
By Badger : happy thanks giving
By Badger : pipzippepp did you vote for rocky? please vote for him. but if you did i just got a pic for him so please check em out
By Badger : hi
By Petgirl : There's a new pic for Brady if u want 2 c it
By Pipzippeep (owner) : Oh ya I ride horses I have my own and he's 15 hands he canters fast and we jump 1 12 feet
By Petgirl : Why do u have to be such a jerk? By the way, if u think ur sooo good at riding, it's not all about showy stuff. Like, I trained a pony. He bucked, reared, and tried to bite my leg. I doubt u know how 2 hit hard enough to make a horse spin in circles.
By Petgirl : U don't have 2 b so mean right after my bunny died. Also, just a tip. Dressage whips work really well 4 misbehaving miniatures and yes he's big enough 2 ride
By Petgirl : Also FYI my dog has more votes than timothis
By Petgirl : Hi pipzippoop
By Badger : i don't know how to say this but badger's dead he got attacked by a wolf on our trip
By Petgirl : Pippyzippy dumb u don't deserve UR life U better back off.
By Petgirl : Oh and badger consider us done if u want me 2 friend someone who dared 2 call me a fucker
By Annierussell : Sooooooo cute! Vote for my pup )
By Petgirl : Was Toco a cockatiel, cause I have a 3 12 month old boy!
By Pipzippeep (owner) : I don't know when this was going down but I haven't been on this shit in like a year so stop fucking posting ass hole comments you stupid person. My brother wrote that last thing about horses probably because unlike you he is a good person and sticks up for me. Plus what the fuck did I do to make you so fucking mad at me. Oh and also I realize its not all about showy stuff with horses but just so you know I have worked with and trained at least 4 ponies and my horse so why don't you go fuck yourself.
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