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in category: cute cats

Zeus, owned by Lindy
25 Vote for this pet20
Pet Other
Breed Ignore
Age16 years, 10 months, 15 days
Favorite activityPlay
Favorite toyTeddy
Likesworms,spiders porrage,fruit etc
StoryThis is Zeus my marmoset monkey he is to addorable he is like one of my own children. He has a inside huge cage with lots of toys ropes and a cozy little home were he and his teddy doe doe with nice soft cuddly blankets. He has another cage which is outside for he needs alot of sunlight for his bones. He gets his vitamin syrup once a week and he loves jelly and marshmellow bottles as a treat.
Comments for Zeus
By Bluefroggie : This is soo wierd but cute,I want one!
By RaynBOW-bunny : What a funny monkey!
By Masterchefhaley3 : thats kinda scary.....
By Kkcheer : Thats a funky Monkey!
By Booboo012699 : I have a marmoset monkey 2!
By Booboo012699 : You are a cutie! I haven't posted a picture of my monkey yet but I will.
By Taypod : i didn't know you're allowed to have monkeys?
By Banana123 : You have a monkey?wierd but cool.i voted please vote for my pets!
By Jacob : Hi!I love your marmie.I have a Cotton top tamarin, and a Capuchin.How do u like your marmoset?He is adorable!
By Dreamergirl : Once my mom had one like that!
By Pavel : Voted! Please vote for my pet Buddy!
By CavalierSpaniel : Hi Zeus! I voted for you. Please vote for me (by clicking on my owner's name to see the pets and then voting)!
By Love-lovepet : Hey Zues! i voted for u can u plz vote for my cat Tommy?
By Birdbrain : I had a monkey when I was a kid. But he became very nasty. So my dad gave him away. I think of him almost every day and wonder what happened to him.
By Birdbrain : It looks like he is smiling.
By Olliebaby : Your marmoset is like uber cute. Take a look at my dog and tell me what you think.
By Zazamaree : Zeus is adorable! Too cute!!!!! I love how his hair sticks out on the sides. I voted for him.
By Petgirl : NICE JOB ON THE VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please vote my pets too by clicking on my username then voting.
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