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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Sheba, owned by Amber Lynn
3 Vote for this pet5
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age24 years, 2 months, 10 days
Favorite activityRunning and playing in the snow
Favorite toy
LikesBeing played with
DislikesThunder storms
StorySheba is a beautiful border collie/rat terrier mix. My great-grandfather got her for my great-grandma about a year before he died.
Comments for Sheba
By Doggirl : soooooooo cute plz vote all my pets
By Petgirl : Totally voted for your dog so you must be on right now. Thanks for voting my pets but could you vote the rest of them and badgers pets and doggirls pets too? Thank you so much if you do.
By Petgirl : P.S. Me and Doggirl are in the same room right now
By Petgirl : i really need votes for bongo, popper, mayson, and trix. Thanks for voting brady and dolly
By Badger : voted
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