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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Kona, owned by KonaLove
1 Vote for this pet3
Pet Dog
Breed American Pit Bull Terrier
Age12 years, 6 months, 13 days
Favorite activityWatching tv and attacking people with kisses
Favorite toyRubber tire
DislikesBeing left out
StoryKona is a 70 pound Red Nose Pit who thinks she's a 5 pound chihuahua. When you sleep, watch tv etc she will lay right on top of your face with hers. She is the biggest dork you will ever meet and she has the biggest and kindest heart.
Comments for Kona
By Badger : cute but if you want a vote vote for my pets you can see them if you click on my username
By Petgirl : Do u own another dog with the same name? Otherwise I know someone with a dog named kona
By Petgirl : Also I voted so plz click on my username 2 c my pet
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