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Diego, owned by dblaxelgrl
1 Vote for this pet2
Pet Dog
Breed Chihuahua
Age11 years, 5 months, 27 days
Favorite activityGoing on walks and exploring new places
Favorite toyLamb Chop
LikesHe loves playing and cuddling. He also loves meeting new pups!
DislikesDiego doesn't like cars, bikes, or socks!
StoryDiego weighs in at about 2 pounds. He's 6 months old! He loves steak, eggs, and cheese!
Comments for Diego
By Badger : two easy steps to get a vote first, vote for chispa (owned by badger) and then leave a comment saying you voted
By Petgirl : I voted! Plz check out my pets by clicking my username.
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