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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

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Caesar, owned by flypet
3 Vote for this pet15
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age15 years, 2 months, 17 days
Favorite activitykeep away
Favorite toyfrisbee
Likespeople, bones, walks, all little animals (including cats), Maggie
Dislikestaking baths, getting his toenail clipped
StoryCaesar is a good watchdog - he protects us and the house and smaller dogs. He loves people and wants to jump for joy all over them. He loves to swim (especially if you throw something in the water for him to fetch).He loves to play keep away,and tug a war.
Comments for Caesar
By Petgirl : hey flypet I voted Brady is on page 5 or 4. Dolly's on page 2or 3
By Petgirl : Just click on pet girl to the left and you'll c all my pets.
By Petgirl : c equals see
By Badger : hey flypet i know petgirl anyways can we comment often kinda bored
By Badger : voted!!
By Badger : can you click on my username so you can see my pets and maybe voting?thanks!
By Badger : Yea petgirl's on my friend's list
By Pipzippeep : Hey flypet vote timothis the duck P.s I voted P.s.s timothis is in the bird catagoryP.s.s.s Im friend with badger and sortta pet girl
By Badger : hello can you vote for my cat badger
By Doggirl : hi meradith its sarah ayakas cousin remember we were making homade lemonade
By Badger : hi can you vote for badger i just got a pic
By Badger : i got a new pet please vote
By Badger : hi i have a friend named zipper101 please vote for her pets
By Badger : happy thanks giving
By Badger : hi flypet i just got a pic for rocky my lizard please vote for him
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