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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Brownie, owned by Amber Lynn
3 Vote for this pet4
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age18 years, 1 month, 15 days
Favorite activityLaying on the couch, watching tv
Favorite toy
LikesAnyone who will give her attention, your her new best friend!
StoryMy neighbors dog had puppies. Brownie was the only brown dog and no one wanted her so we took her.
Comments for Brownie
By Petgirl : Totally voted, again u must be busy
By Doggirl : ya you said you had 11!
By Amber Lynn (owner) : We rescued 11,we already had 4. We got rid of one. My mom has 2 dogs, and my greatgrandma has9.
By Badger : voted
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