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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Alfie, owned by SarahLynch12
2 Vote for this pet2
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age15 years, 4 months, 15 days
Favorite activityChasing shadows.
Favorite toyBallrope.
LikesTo go on a walks with his girlfriend.
DislikesPillows/Cushions he hates them. He doesnt like being shouted at and sulks when he does.
StoryHe adores children and loves to play with them. He also loves his walks where he hunts for the biggest stick he can find. He dangles off trees and will eat absolutley anything :)
Comments for Alfie
By Petgirl : Omg Alfie is really the cutest pet ever! I totally voted. I know how hard it is to get votes at first. Every one of your your pics are ber cute! Can you please vote for my pets by clicking on my username to see my pets then clicking the green thumb to vote for each pet? Thanks!
By Badger : aww!!! so cute he's got my vote!vote chispa
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