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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Abby, owned by Amber Lynn
3 Vote for this pet12
Pet Dog
Breed Miniature Schnauzer
Age16 years, 9 months, 10 days
Favorite activity
Favorite toy
Comments for Abby
By Badger : voted please vote for me too
By Doggirl : good rescue! voted please think about voting for me
By Petgirl : I voted, is Abby from the puppy mil too? You are wonderful for saving the dogs. Gave you a vote, please click on my username too to see my pets.
By Amber Lynn (owner) : No, we got Abby, and her sister Josie from a private breeder.
By Petgirl : r u on
By Doggirl : are you on?
By Petgirl : if u r can u vote our pets vote badger and doggirl pets too
By Petgirl : please vote my 3 hermit crabs and my fish
By Amber Lynn (owner) : Ok
By Petgirl : vote doggirl too and badger sorry if im nagging but make sure you vote popper mayson and trix too
By Petgirl : thank you SO MUCH
By Amber Lynn (owner) : your welcome
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