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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Rani, owned by ratscatsangels
2 Vote for this pet3
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age25 years, 11 months, 13 days
Favorite activityplaying
Favorite toyher bone
Storywe got her 10 years ago from the dog pound, she had been with a family that no longer wanted her, because she would not stay in a fence in yard, she wanted to be with the family, but they only wanted her outside, so when i got her, knowing how she was, and how smart she was, she stay inside with us, she was not a outside dog, but a inside one, that loves her family very much, she is now very happy knowing she has a family that she is really part of, always. she is very much loves.
Comments for rani
By Ratscatsangels (owner) : so cute
By Kkcheer : hey your dog is sooo cute! I voted for him, so can you please vote for my pet ace Thank you! best of luck!
By Ericabrooke789 : aw i love her colors.
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