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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Chilli, owned by iluvsugar4eva
2 Vote for this pet3
Pet Dog
Breed Irish Setter
Age18 years, 5 months, 25 days
Favorite activityripping up toys
Favorite toyto many too count
Likessnuggling on couch
Dislikesgetting in trouble
StoryChilli is destuctomundo!!!!! he will chew anything every were but his sweet inocent face you cant get mad at!!!!
Comments for chilli
By Kristenqueen87 : aww you're dog is adorable, i voted!!! please don't forget to check out my dogs sugar and brinkly, thanks!
By Petgirl : ber cute! I voted. Please vote for my pets by clicking on my username.
By Petgirl : ber cute! I voted. Please vote for my pets by clicking on my username. )
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