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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Snapple, owned by k.lthompson
1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Dog
Breed West Highland Terrier
Age16 years, 7 months, 7 days
Favorite activityplaying in the snow and tug - a - war!
Favorite toya stuffed animal bunny
Likesbelly rubs and running around after she gets out of the bath!
Dislikesany kind of medicine she tries to runt he other way!!
StoryShe is a very cuddly dog and likes to sleep under the covers with her head on a pillow at night. she is a daddys girl! She gets so giddy every time he comes home from work. She loves the snow. she plows her face through it every time when we go outside (stationed in germany so we get alot during the winter time.) She also loves playing with her brother Jager!
Comments for Snapple
By Love-lovepet : Hi i voted. can you vote for my 2 cats?
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