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in category: cute cats

Rufus, owned by PUGLOVER
1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Dog
Breed Pug
Age15 years, 4 months, 7 days
Favorite activitychasing the cats, swimming, sitting in empty bath tub
Favorite toystuffed lion
Likesbaths, showers, cats, to sleep under the pillow under my head, kisses, leg rubs
StoryHi, My name is Rufus. I LOVE swimming, even if it is just in the bath tub. My best friends are Calli the cat, and Tonka the Pitbull. He is much bigger than me but he is nice to snuggle with. I love treats, but prefer belly rubs.
Comments for Rufus
By Layla22 : he's a lovey!
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