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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Kato, owned by boyo
1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Dog
Breed Golden Retriever
Age15 years, 5 months, 23 days
Favorite activityPlaying with toys
Favorite toyAll of them
Likesrunning everywhere
Dislikesbeing a bad dog
StoryHe always listen and he love people and when they are playing.He was shy at first when we got him and then he felt he was part of the family member!!!He our heart.
Comments for Kato
By Valentinoc : Kato is cute. I have two Golden's. Very loveable dogs. I entered one of my Golden's in the contest. Check out my dog Sage. He's number 9 at this time. Maybe you can vote for my dog. Good luck.
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