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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by oosonnoo

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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age16 years, 8 months, 16 days
Favorite activityZiggy's favorite thing in the world to do is eat. He would do an
Favorite toyHis little purple squeaky loofa.
LikesBaths this I think if he had the ability to breathe in water he would stay. He loves his ears scratched and his faced petted.
DislikesHe does not like wind in his face. Or his tail touched. And he hates being brushed.
StoryZiggy was a "throw away" from someone who doesn't fix their dogs and breeds mutts. My sister had him but he was "too much and stupid" so I took him before they took him to the pound. He is one of my smartest dogs and is a ball of energy he will definitely keep you on your toes.
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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age21 years, 1 month, 9 days
Favorite activityHaven's favorite activity is running and jumping. He loves for m
Favorite toyAnything he can chew on. He like
LikesHaven is my big pet baby he would lay on your lap and let you pet him all day long.
DislikesBaths he hates them. He thinks the only thing a bathtub full of water is good for is to drink out of. He also hates loud noises whether it be someone talking to loud or thunder.
StoryHaven's parents have an unknown background I seen the mom give birth but no idea what she is. He was almost wild when I brought him in my house and would slink away and growl when you tried to pet his head at about 9 weeks old. That quickly turned around and he now wants to love all over every human. He contracted Parvo as a puppy but and was barely saved. It has caused some long term effects but he doesn't seem to notice. This is my heart dog and the day that comes for him to cross the bridge will be one of the hardest days of my life.
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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age21 years, 1 month, 9 days
Favorite activitySleeping. She loves to sleep I think she could sleep anywhere at
Favorite toyDoesn't like toys at all. Her to
LikesShe loves tall grass and wind. Give her those two things and she is set for life. She is also big on belly rubs if you pet her anywhere she will roll over for you to rub her belly.
DislikesWater of any kind. It is even hard to get her to drink water. If it is raining out forget her going outside she won't step foot out the door. She is also terrified of people she was socialized and played with by people her entire life but she is still afra
StoryGizmo is Haven's sister. She is the complete opposite of him. She is great dog and loves her family but hates other people. She is a dogs dog she would rather run around with other dogs then be with people. She has a mental disorder which makes her a little slower than the other dogs she is 6 years old but learns at a 2-3 year old dogs pace. It hinders nothing on mine or her part though she is just my special baby.
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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age26 years, 3 months, 13 days
Favorite activityPlaying with anyone or anything. He may be old but he can keep u
Favorite toyIs any an option haha. He is cou
LikesBeing around people. He is a people dog. It doesn't matter if he knows you or not he wants you to love on him and play.
DislikesBeing old. You can see it in his eyes that he isn't ready to be old yet he wants to do everything he isn't able to do anymore. And going blind he gets extremely frustrated when he has to sniff out his food or be careful where he walks.
StoryLucky was know as Speckles by his previous owner. She 'accidentally' ran over his littermates. He was the last left a Border collie / Black lab mix. I scooped him up when I was just 11 years old. He has been my hip for 11 years I don't go anywhere without my old man.
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Pet Rabbit
Breed Ignore
Age15 years, 11 months, 15 days
Favorite activitySnuggling up with his best friend.
Favorite toyHe loves phonebooks and cardboar
LikesRaisins I think he would climb the wall to get a raisin. He also loves his nose scratched or being brushed.
DislikesThe only thing he won't tolerate is being picked up.
StoryPacey is my little lionhead. I got him from a man who was going to take him to the shelter. He was a little bitty ball of fur then but he was instantly a cuddler. He loves to torment the dogs and sit beside his best friend Marshmallow when they play together.

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