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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by Angel

4 Vote for this pet4
Pet Dog
Breed Jack Russell Terrier
Age16 years, 2 months, 23 days
Favorite activityRunning
Favorite toyAnything that squeeks.
LikesRunning, fetching, playing in the creek
DislikesBeing put up.
StoryHis name is Cowboy. He's a happy hyper dog. He loves to run and play. Has to be the center of attention, and if he's not he will make sure that he is. :)
2 Vote for this pet3
Pet Dog
Breed Jack Russell Terrier
Age15 years, 8 months, 20 days
Favorite activityTug of war
Favorite toyShe has alot
LikesRunning, tug of war, playing with Cowboy
DislikesDuck calls
StoryHer name is Daisy. She's my little girl. She loves to run and play and is very hyper. Always wants attention. :)
8 Vote for this pet7
Name:Rest In Peace BANDIT
Pet Dog
Breed Jack Russell Terrier
Age25 years, 2 months, 13 days
Favorite activityHe loved to play ball
Favorite toyHis tennis ball
LikesHe loved to run, hunt, fetch, play tug of war, ride in the car, watch tv, fish, and just be my best friend.
DislikesHe didn't like strangers. He was very protective.
StoryHis name was Bandit. I grew up with him. He was my best friend. I had to have him put to sleep because he broke his jaw and they couldn't fix it. He couldn't even eat. I had the option of putting him on a feeding tube but he wouldn't have wanted that. And he was suffering. I wish he hadn't have got hurt. He was my best friend. He loved to go squirrel hunting and run and play in the creek. He loved to play ball. He could do math by barking the answer. He would jump really high like it was nothing. He loved to ride with me and go places. I miss him all the time. Rest in Peace Bandit <3
2 Vote for this pet3
Pet Dog
Breed Jack Russell Terrier
Age14 years, 9 months, 22 days
Favorite activityFetching, belly rubs, tug of war
Favorite toySqueekys, socks
LikesHe loves attention and to have his belly rubbed
StoryHe's very intelligent and loving.

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