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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by laurocks

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Pet Dog
Breed Yorkshire Terrier
Age17 years, 9 months, 5 days
Favorite activityplay with his toys
Favorite toyladybug toy/rope
Likeslaying by the fireplace, playing with his wife and daughter, cuddling and going for a walk or out to get the morning news paper with popopo
DislikesMookie does not like fireworks or thunder
StoryMookie is a father of 5 puppies, 4 boys 1 little girl. We kept the girl her name is Belli and he just adores her they are always playing or napping together. Mookie is the most lovable animal I have ever come across. When you are sad he knows to come kiss you and cuddle you. He loves his toys and will play for hours. After coming in from the cold he snuggles up by the fireplace and the best is when he snores its too cute.
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Pet Dog
Breed Yorkshire Terrier
Age18 years, 4 months, 17 days
Favorite activityshe likes to play with her fluffy pink bed or lay in the window
Favorite toyPink Bed..I know its not a toy b
LikesLulu likes playing outside and LOVES playing dress up.
Dislikesvacuum cleaner
StoryLulu is a proud mommy of 5 puppies. Lulu likes to follow her human grandmother around and even sits and waits outside the bathroom. She enjoys having her back rubbed and loves getting treats. She will sit in the window for hours enjoying the sunlight and naping
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Pet Dog
Breed Yorkshire Terrier
Age17 years, 6 months, 19 days
Favorite activitySteeling our socks
Favorite toyanything
LikesLOVES to have her belly rubbed
Dislikestrips in the car
StoryBelli is such a baby girl. She likes to cuddle up on her human mother and go to sleep either on her lap or in her arms just like a little baby. She loves to have her belly rubbed and will let you know by rolling over on her back and throwing her arms up and down. She like to steel her fathers toys and run away with them. She is also the sock theif in our home. Belli also crawls under any blanket so you cant see her and will fall asleep so we all must be careful when sitting down.

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