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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by puppylove

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Pet Dog
Breed German Shepherd
Age11 years, 5 months, 28 days
Favorite activityPlaying in the snow!
Favorite toyHis stuffed squeaky chicken
LikesSnow, belly rubs and walks.
DislikesWhistling and that he can never catch the cat before she goes under the bed!
StoryHe is such a smart puppy! These first few weeks have been amazing! He has learned so much already for his age. He has learned to sit, stay, lay down, kisses, fetch and heel. He is so playful and loves everyone, including our 12 year old chihuaha. He is going to grow up to be an amazing dog and best friend.
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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age22 years, 10 months, 8 days
Favorite activityLaying on the radiator while staring out the window and car ride
Favorite toyA stuffed duck that squaks (we h
LikesHe loves car rides and loves to stick his head out the window and lick the air.
DislikesHe does not like his tail being messed with and clappingloud sudden noises. He is also not a fan of any temperature below 70 degrees.
StoryHe is an old man with a puppy heart. He loves to play and has the energy for walks. He absolutely loves car rides. At exactly 35MPH we've checked this multiple times he sticks his head out the window and licks the air and pulls his head inside and stops at exactly 55 MPH. He will also lick the air right from your breath When we lay on the bed with him he HAS TO and i mean HAS TO he will FORCE his way if he must be in between my boyfriend and I. He is a great dog and companion.
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Pet Cat
Breed Domestic Mediumhair
Age16 years, 6 months, 17 days
Favorite activityLaying in the sun.
Favorite toyHer mouse that squeaks.
LikesHer belly and face being rubbed. She also loves to curl on your lap.
DislikesShe hates eating out of a bowl she picks it out and eats it off the table.
StoryShe is sweet as pie. She was the runt so she kept her kitten face. As soon as my light flips on at 6 am she has to be on the bed getting attention from me. She then follows me to the bathroom and sits in the sink while I shower. She has the softest cutest "meow" that sounds like she just quietly hisses.

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