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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by MissKimmie319

1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Dog
Breed Olde English Bulldogge
Age23 years, 7 months, 1 day
Favorite activitySleeping.
Favorite toyStuffed Squeaky.
DislikesHyper activity.
StoryBest dog ever! My Best Friend and loyal companion! LOVE HER SO MUCH! ❤️
1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Dog
Breed Brussels Griffon
Age12 years, 16 days
Favorite activityRunning!
Favorite toyAnything he can get ahold of!
LikesToys, balls, bones and anything that makes noise!
DislikesThe vacuum!
StoryHe is an amazing little dog! Smart and funny! Always into something!.. Never a dull moment with Stu around! Awesome little guy! LOVE my little Stu Man! ❤️

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