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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by jeerowe

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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age12 years, 10 months, 26 days
Favorite activity Car rides and tug-o-war
Favorite toy ALL his squeaky chew toys!
Likes He LOVES carrots, ice cubes, going for walks and playing at the dog park. He loves to lay on you when you're watching TV and also loves to get crazy when we have him chase the laser pointer
StoryReggie is a 14 pound Cairn TerrierPug mix. He loves car rides and playing for hours with his best friend Henry the Shih Poo. He is the smartest little dog and loves to learn new tricks He has such a silly personality but also loves to cuddle He loves to snuggle up next to his daddy at night and loves to go for walks with mama He can chew for hours on his raw hide bones so his teeth are sparkling white He wears himself out when he plays too hard, but he knows that a warm lap is always nearby. His funny little underbite always makes us giggle He's our favorite part of each day

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