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in category: cute cats

Pets owned by MrsHang

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Pet Dog
Breed Yorkshire Terrier
Age14 years, 11 months, 30 days
Favorite activityStealing socks, chewing shoes and terrorizing the cat!
Favorite toyHer stuffed Rudolph the reindeer
LikesShe LOVES socks!
DislikesShe hates taking baths!
StoryShe was actually born in 2010 but the site does not have that option. Poppy is super energetic and loves to run all day and play play play! She loves mauling her stuffies to the brink of tearing and enjoys countless hours playing with Belle the cat even though Belle doesn't see it as playing.
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Pet Cat
Breed Mixed
Age17 years, 6 months, 2 days
Favorite activityLooking out the window!
Favorite toyAnything round.
LikesBelle loves to be petted, loves to look out the window all day and absolutely loves her kitty treats!
StoryShe does not like to be held and played with by little kids, hates the dog, hates baths and refuses to eat anything else but the specific brand of cat food she's been eating for years and her kitty treats.
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Pet Hamster
Breed Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster
Age16 years, 1 month, 6 days
Favorite activityChewing on anything he can get his little paws on!
Favorite toyThe hamster ball!
LikesHe loves to chew on anything and everything, loves broccoli and sunflower seeds
DislikesHe does not hate anything
StoryPop was truly one of the greatest pets I could of had Unfortunately he developed a tumor and had to be put down. R.I.P. Pop

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