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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by Naihomi

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Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age14 years, 6 months, 30 days
Favorite activityDog Beach & Very long walks!
Favorite toyAnything that's chewable
LikesRunning, swimming driving in car's and playing with the kids3
DislikesThere's not much she doesn't like. she's a very sweet dog.
StoryOreo is a pit mix. she was given to me when she was 8weeks. this man was telling me she was a terrible dog etc.. so I told him I would take her, poor thing came to me with the saddest face, she was very skinny and had feces all over, but I thank god every day that I took her in turns out she's my partner in crime my best friend and now i cant imagine life without her3
1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Dog
Breed Mixed breed
Age22 years, 2 months, 20 days
Favorite activitysleeping. eating, and meeting new people.
Favorite toyjust bones
LikesSleeping and laying right next to you.
Dislikeshe's such an old soul, he love's everything and anything,
StoryI adopted choby at 8weeks from the pound. he was one out of 6 puppies. turns out this was the best choice. choby is the sweetest dog so loving so gentle. words cannot explain this dog. his just so unique and i love him soo much.

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