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in category: cute dogs

in category: cute cats

Pets owned by kmyers1216

1 Vote for this pet1
Pet Dog
Breed American Pit Bull Terrier
Age16 years, 6 months, 26 days
Favorite activityplaying with his friend Guinnes at the dog park
Favorite toyany pillow he can find!
Likeslaying in the middle of the bed so there is no room for anyone else
Dislikesbugs! he runs away from flies haha!
Storyi never would have thought a pit bull and a kitten would become best friendes but heres proof! i love my boys
2 Vote for this pet2
Pet Cat
Breed Mixed
Age14 years, 8 months, 5 days
Favorite activitybeing a princess
Favorite toybottle caps she likes to play "h
Likeslilly loves to run around like she owns the place and every time we open the fridge she jumps in!
Dislikesnew animals. her and tank dont get along but she loves romeo and treats him like her son
Storywe got lilly off craigslist a woman found a cat behind her garage with 7 kittens! she took them in and took care of them then gave them away on craigslist. she doesnt like new people but she loves her mommy and daddy!

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